Hey readers! Can you help me?

by Steve

Help sign, blue skySo, I’ve been thinking a little about this odd little place, and wondering how best I can take it forward. Is it fine plodding along as it is? Would it benefit from any changes? What could I do in future? This is where you, dear reader, come in. I thought I’d take the opportunity to ask readers old and new what they think.

Here’s a few ideas to get things started…

  • What topics would you like to me to cover (specific or general)? Is there anything I don’t cover you’d like me to? Or should I focus on one particular area?
  • Should I post more, post less, or am I doing OK as it is? Would you like a regular schedule, or are sporadic posts fine?
  • Does size matter? Do you like your posts long, short, somewhere in-between, or a mix?
  • Any other ideas or feedback?

I’d genuinely appreciate any feedback you can give, either in the comments below, or via my shiny new Contact page. And thank you in advance for indulging such an egotistical exercise.

While I don’t have any worthwhile material goods to offer as an incentive/prize, I’m happy to pull a name out of the hat, and that person can commission a blog post from me on the subject of their choice. How does that sound?

Image by LiminalMike via Flickr