Building those coalitions

by Steve

handshakeI think what I like about WordPress most is the way the platform helps foster communities and encourages networking amongst its users. Or, to put it another way, it is full of lots of good people, who are fun to read, respond to, and generally get to know. In a non-scary, non-stalker-y sense, I hasten to add.I recently wrote a post on indie rock, craft beer and college football inspired by the fine blog Building International Coalitions Through Beer and Pavement. Zac at the aforementioned blog has continued to coalition-build, by challenging another blogger, Double Word Score, to respond to my post. But one post is not enough for him, we’re getting a whole week of posts. I hope some of you find the time to check it out.

Or, even better, how about responding to this ever-growing mass of posts with one of your own – and letting us know about it in the comments? Let us build this coalition, people! Or maybe we could just provide Reason 71,245,981 why the internet can be a great place for discussion, ideas and community.

Still here? Then, why not head to the Links page, to find even more bloggers out there producing some great stuff and keeping me entertained on a regular basis. Click, click, click away. It will be worth it! I promise!

Image by Freakapotimus via Flickr